Monday, August 15, 2016

Bellegant Cosmetics Liquid Lipsticks

Bellegant Cosmetics is an indie makeup company which I discovered on Instagram. It has it's own website so makes shopping very easy. They sell various makeup products for lips, eyes, and face. They are also cruelty free and vegan(I believe). I got three liquid lipsticks to try during their any 3 lip products for $30 plus free shipping promo. These liquid lipsticks are more like liquid form of lipsticks because they are rich in pigmentation. They don't dry down to a matte finish at all, and they have pretty decent wearing time. I find them very comfortable on the lips, and there are so many unique colors as well as neutrals for everyone. They recently just came out with few metallic ones which are really beautiful as well. The shipping was pretty fast, and packaged in a black mesh pouch inside a bubbled envelope. You can watch my video review here:

From Left to Right: Cookie, Miss Tangy, and Rosey.
I like Rosey the most because of it's thinner and lightweight consistency. The color is very flattering and soft which will suit everyone. It feels most moisturizing out the three and remains comfortable throughout the day. I do like the other two but they are much more dense and creamier. I used Cookie on a photoshoot, and the model had caramel complexion. It worked out to be the perfect pale nude for her and didn't wash her out. It applied beautifully and didn't accentuate any fine lines/dry patches on the lips. I like Missy Tangy for it's warm and rich orangey brown color. It's quite flattery on me, and I can see myself wearing it more often in the upcoming Fall season. Overall, I think Bellegant cosmetics makes great products. They also have amazing highlighters which I want to give a try as well. Follow them on Instagram as they upload swatches, new product launches, as well as promo sales/discounts quite often:)

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